Your detailsFirst Name *Last Name *Email Address *Mobile Phone Number *Would you like to upload your cover letter?Equal Employment OpportunitiesCompletion of this data is mandatory however you will be given an option “I prefer not to say” if you do not wish to provide this information. If you do choose to share it, it will not affect your opportunity for employment, or terms or conditions of employment with us in any way. This data will be used for reporting purposes only and will be kept separate from all other personnel records we hold.Gender *Select an optionMaleFemaleGender DiverseTakatāpuiMy gender is not listed hereI prefer not to declareAge *Select an option24 or under25-3435-4445-5455 and aboveI prefer not to declareEthnicity *Select an optionAboriginal/Torres Strait IslanderAfricanAustralianChineseCook IslanderCook Islands MaoriEuropeanFijianFilipinoI prefer not to declareIndianLatin AmericanMāoriMiddle EasternNew Zealand EuropeanNiueanOtherOther AsianOther EuropeanOther Pacific PeoplesPapua New GuineanSamoanSolomon IslanderSoutheast AsianTokelauanTonganVanuatuIf Other, please state *Application questionsPlease confirm your current eligibility to work in Australia/New Zealand *Select an optionApplying for a work visaAustralian CitizenshipAustralian ResidencyNew Zealand CitizenshipNew Zealand ResidencyValid Work VisaNot EligiblePrivacy StatementThe role you are applying for is within one of the businesses that is a part of Fletcher Building Limited (NZ Company Number 1104175) and its related entities (the ‘Fletcher Building Group’). We will collect personal information about you for the purpose of recruitment and related activities (including in the event that suitable alternative roles across the Fletcher Building Group may be identified) and for purposes otherwise set out in our Privacy Statement. Only those individuals who require access will be given authorisation and access to this information. This may include third party providers in respect of medical testing, psychometric testing or other recruitment related purposes. In completing this application for employment form, you understand that the information you provide may also be shared across and within the Fletcher Building Group. Please note, if you do not wish us to collect this information, we may not be able to assess your suitability for the role you are applying for (or consider you for any other suitable alternative roles). More information about how the Fletcher Building Group will collect, use, store and disclose your personal information, and the way in which you can access and seek correction of your personal information or complain about a breach of the New Zealand and/or Australian Privacy Acts, can be found on our Privacy Statement at To obtain further information, you can contact us in New Zealand at or call us on +64 (0)9 525 9000 or in Australia at or call us on +61 (0)7 3260 9777.For the avoidance of doubt, should you be offered the role, any employment relationship would be with that business unit, as stipulated in the relevant employment documents.I confirm and give consent for my information to be shared across the Group, in the event suitable alternative roles may be identified. *Information DeclarationI confirm that I have fully disclosed all relevant information, and that I have truthfully and accurately (to the best of my knowledge and belief) answered all questions. I understand that the information provided may materially influence the businesses decision to proceed with the recruitment process or offer employment. I understand, if I have provided incorrect, false or misleading information, the business may not offer employment, or in the event the employment has commenced, this may be considered serious misconduct, and result in the termination of employment. In addition, it may result in my loss of entitlement for any compensation from ACC or an Accident Insurer.I confirm the statement above is correct. ** denotes required fields.Back Apply Hidden Default FieldsPrivacy Statement -HiddenSelect an optionYesNoInformation Declaration - Hidden I confirm the above statement is correctHidden Fields for ParsingEmployerPosition TitleWebsiteEducationremoveInstituteQualificationSelect an optionSecondaryHigh School or EquivalentCertificates I - VDiplomaBachelorsMastersDoctoralStart DateEnd DateremoveInstituteQualificationSelect an optionSecondaryHigh School or EquivalentCertificates I - VDiplomaBachelorsMastersDoctoralStart DateEnd Dateadd anotherWork ExperienceremoveCompanyPosition TitleStart DateEnd DateremoveCompanyPosition TitleStart DateEnd Dateadd anotherCandidate's Self Assessed SkillsHidden Job Variables